Amaranth, Love Lies Bleeding - Green
Amaranth, Love Lies Bleeding - Red
Asparagus, Mary Washington
Bean, Contender
Bean, Fava, Aquadulce
Bean, Fava, Broad Windsor
Bean, Jacob's Cattle
Bean, Old Homestead (Kentucky Wonder)
Bean, Purple Podded
Bean, Roma
Bean, Scarlet Runner
Beet, Chioggia
Beet, Crosby's Egyptian
Beet, Cylindra
Beet, Mammoth Red Mangel
Broccoli, Calabrese Green Sprouting
Broccoli, Early Purple Sprouting
Broccoli, Rapini
Brussels Sprouts, Long Island Improved
Cabbage, Cour di Bue
Cabbage, Henderson's Charleston Wakefield
Cabbage, Mammoth Red Rock
Cabbage, Nero Di Toscana
Carrot, Chantenay Red Core
Carrot, Danvers 126 Half Long
Carrot, Shin Kuroda 5"
Carrot, St. Valery
Carrot, Tonda Di Parigi
Cauliflower, Green Macerata
Cauliflower, Snowball Self-Blanching
Cauliflower, Violetta Italia
Celeriac, Giant Prague
Celery, Tendercrisp
Chicory, Castelfranco
Chicory, Grumolo Biondo Golden
Chicory, Italiko Rosso Dandelion
Chicory, Sugar Loaf
Chicory, Witloof Di Bruxelles
Collards, Georgia Southern
Corn, Country Gentleman
Corn, Pencil Cob Dent
Corn, Stowell's Evergreen
Corn, Wade's Giant Indian
Cowpea, Bohemian
Cowpea, California Blackeye
Cucumber Marketmore 76
Cucumber, Beit Alpha
Cucumber, Boothby's Blonde
Cucumber, Delikatesse
Cucumber, Early Russian
Cucumber, Poona Kheera
Cucumber, Sikkim
Cucumber, West India Burr Gherkin
Cucumber, White Wonder
Eggplant, Applegreen
Eggplant, Black Champion
Eggplant, Brazilian Oval Orange
Eggplant, Casper
Eggplant, Long Purple
Eggplant, Ping Tung
Eggplant, Round Mauve
Eggplant, Turkish Orange
Endive, Batavian Full Heart
Endive, De Meaux
Fennel, Di Ferenze
Gourds, Bottle
Gourds, Long Handled Mixed
Gourds, Orange
Gourds, Serpente Di Sicilia
Greens, Arugula
Greens, Corn Salad
Greens, Garden Cress
Greens, Mustard, Southern Giant Curled
Greens, Red Orach
Greens, Salad Burnet
Greens, Wrinkled, Crinkled Cress
Kale, Russian Red
Kohlrabi, Early Purple Vienna
Kohlrabi, Early White Vienna
Leek, Bulgarian Giant
Leek, Carentan
Lettuce, Big Boston
Lettuce, Black Seeded Simpson
Lettuce, Brune d'Hiver
Lettuce, Forellenschluss
Lettuce, Gentilina
Lettuce, Iceberg
Lettuce, Lotto Rossa
Lettuce, Mascara
Lettuce, May Queen
Lettuce, Merviella Des Quatre
Lettuce, Parris Island Cos
Lettuce, Red Romaine
Lettuce, Tom Thumb
Melon, Charentais
Melon, Collective Farm Woman
Melon, Early Hanover
Melon, Early Silver Line
Melon, Green Nutmeg
Melon, Hearts of Gold
Melon, Honey Rock
Melon, Israel Ogen
Melon, Jelly Melon Kiwano
Melon, Jenny Lind
Melon, Metki Dark Green Serpent
Melon, Metki White Serpent
Melon, Minnesota Midget
Melon, Noir De Carmes
Melon, Plum Granny
Melon, Pride of Wisconsin
Melon, Sakata's
Melon, Tigger
Melon, Tip Top
Millet, German Foxtail
Okra, Burgundy
Okra, Clemson Spineless
Okra, Emerald
Okra, Grandfather Kurtz
Okra, Perkins Long Pod
Okra, Star of David
Onion, Bronze d'Amposta
Onion, Crimson Forest Bunching
Onion, Red of Florence
Onion, Tokyo Long White Bunching
Onion, Tropeana Lunga
Onion, Yellow of Parma
Oriental Greens, Big Stem Mustard
Oriental Greens, Chinese Pak Choy
Oriental Greens, Extra Dwarf Pak Choy
Oriental Greens, Jiu Tou Niao Mustard
Oriental Greens, Komatsuma Tendergreen
Oriental Greens, Michihli Cabbage
Oriental Greens, Mizuna
Oriental Greens, Shanghai Green Choy
Oriental Greens, Tatsoi
Oriental Greens, Wong Bok
Parsnip, Harris Model
Parsnip, Hollow Crown
Pea, Alaska
Pea, Golden Sweet
Peas, De Grace
Peas, Little Marvel
Peas, Mammoth Melting Sugar Snow
Peas, Oregon Sugar Pod II
Peas, Sugar Snap
Peas, Tall Telephone
Peas, Wando
Pepper, Black Hungarian
Pepper, California Wonder
Pepper, Cayenne Long Thin
Pepper, Fish
Pepper, Golden Marconi
Pepper, Golden Wonder
Pepper, Hungarian Hot Wax
Pepper, Purple Beauty
Pepper, Red Cheese
Pepper, Red Marconi
Pepper, Red Mini
Pepper, Sante Fe Grande
Pepper, Serrano Tapequino
Pepper, Sweet Red Stuffing
Pepper, Sweet Yellow Stuffing
Pepper, Tom Jalapeno
Pepper, Topepo Rosso
Peppers, India Jwala
Peppers, Lipstick
Quinoa, Kaslala
Radicchio, Rossa Di Verona
Radish, Chinese Green Luobo
Radish, Early Scarlet Globe
Radish, French Breakfast
Radish, German Giant
Radish, Long Scarlett
Radish, Purple Plum
Radish, Rat's Tail
Radish, Round Black Spanish
Radish, White Hailstone
Rhubarb, Victoria
Rutabaga, American Purple Top
Rutabaga, Laurnetian
Salsify, Mammoth Sandwich Island
Scorzonera, Geante Noire de Russie
Sorghum, Black Amber
Soya Bean, Envy
Spinach, Bloomsdale Long Standing
Spinach, Giant Noble
Spinach, Gigante d'Inverno
Spinach, Merlo Nero
Squash, Black Futsu
Squash, Americana Tonda
Squash, Bennings Green Tint Scallop
Squash, Bush Buttercup
Squash, Buttercup
Squash, Butternut Rogosa Violina Gioia
Squash, Connecticut Field Pumpkin
Squash, Costata Romanesco
Squash, Early Golden Crookneck
Squash, Gill's Golden Pippin
Squash, Golden Delicious
Squash, Golden Zucchini
Squash, Jack Be Little
Squash, Jarrahdale
Squash, Lebanese White Bush Marrow
Squash, Lemon
Squash, Long Island Cheese
Squash, New England Sugar Pie
Squash, Patisson Panache Scallop
Squash, Red Kuri
Squash, Striata D Italia
Squash, Sweet Dumpling
Squash, Sweet Meat
Squash, Table Queen
Squash, Table Queen Bush
Squash, Tonde De Nice
Squash, Tondo Scuro Di Piacenza
Squash, Turks Cap
Squash, Vegetable Spaghetti
Squash, White Bush Scallop
Squash, Winter Luxury Pie Pumpkin
Squash, Zucchini Black Beauty
Squash, Zucchini Gray
Swiss Chard, Flamingo Pink
Swiss Chard, Fordhook Giant
Swiss Chard, Rainbow
Swiss Chard, Vulcan
Tomatillo, Purple
Tomatillo, Verde
Tomato, Arkansas Traveler
Tomato, Azoychka
Tomato, Beauty King
Tomato, Black Cherry
Tomato, Black Krim
Tomato, Black Prince
Tomato, Brandywine
Tomato, Cosmonaut Volkov
Tomato, Duggin White
Tomato, Egg Yolk
Tomato, Emerald Evergreen
Tomato, Golden Jubilee
Tomato, Golden Sunray
Tomato, Green Grape
Tomato, Green Moldovan
Tomato, Green Pineapple
Tomato, Green Sausage
Tomato, Henderson's Pink Ponderosa
Tomato, Japanese Black Trifele
Tomato, Pineapple
Tomato, Pink Grapefruit
Tomato, Pink Oxheart
Tomato, Plum Lemon
Tomato, Plum Tigris
Tomato, Purple Russian
Tomato, Red Zebra
Tomato, Riesentraube
Tomato, Roma
Tomato, Roman Candle
Tomato, Rutgers
Tomato, Sara Black
Tomato, Seattle's Best
Tomato, Snowberry
Tomato, Striped Cavern
Tomato, Striped Roman
Tomato, Sub-Arctic Plenty
Tomato, Thai Pink Egg
Tomato, Thessaloniki
Tomato, Tigerella
Tomato, White Queen
Tomato, White Wax
Turnip, Navet Des Vertus Marteau
Turnip, Purple Top Milan
Turnips, Shogoin
Watermelon, Astrakhanski
Watermelon, Cream of Saskatchewan
Watermelon, Crimson Sweet
Watermelon, Golden Midget
Watermelon, Peacock Striped
Watermelon, Sugar Baby
Watermelon, Sweet Siberian
Watermelon, Tendergold
Watermelon, White Wonder
Anise Hysop
Basil, Dark Opal
Basil, Genovese
Basil, Greek Dwarf
Cilantro, Slo Bott
Echinacea Purpurea
Lemon Balm
Summer Savory
Tarragon, Russian
Gooseberry, Giant Cape
Ground Cherry
Huckleberry, Chichiquelite
Huckleberry, Garden
Strawberry Spinach
Wild Strawberry
We were very surprised to see Jacob's Cattle beans, which Ken wanted to grow; Jelly Melon, which Jorene had wanted to grow; and a pink tomato named The Ponderosa Pink.
This weekend, we planted Broccoli (Calabrese Green Sprouting and Rapini), White Hailstone Radish, Shogoin Turnips and Dwarf Bok Choy. This week, I plant to start tomatoes and eggplant indoors, then move them to our cold frame. The tomatoes we want to grow are Beauty King, Brandywine, Golden Jubilee, Green Grape, Henderson's Pink Ponderosa, Cherokee Purple, Seattle's Best, Sub Arctic Plenty, and White Wax. The eggplants are Applegreen, Black Champion, Brazilian Oval Orange, and Round Mauve. I also have to decide what melons, squash and beans to grow. This is going to be a lot of fun!
That is an impressive list! WOW!
ReplyDeleteI am just as excited about our garden, I can't wait to see things start growing. :)
Looking forward to hearing all about your gardening success. :)
Yes, it is huge. Opening the bucket was like opening a Christmas present. I had fun digging in the bucket and pulling out a seed packet to see what it was. We didn't know what we would get, and I think it is a really good variety. We picked out the tomatoes, eggplant and watermelons we want to grow this year. I'm going to start them indoors this week.